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Quartz is one of the most popular species for New Hampshire mineral collectors. It is found in many different varities including clear, milky, smoky, amethyst (purple-lavender), rose, and the botryoidal form chalcedoney.
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QUARTZ   Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
7.5 cm specimen

Species:           QUARTZ    SiO2
Locality:          Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
Specimen Size: 7.5 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.:
Notes: Some crystals have a bright white quartz over-growth.
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QUARTZ   Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
6 cm specimen

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
Specimen Size: 6 cm specimen
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 970
Notes: These quartz crystal clusters came from a basket-ball sized pocket from the "mine island" side of the principal quartz vein. Limonite residue in this pocket indicated that much of the space not occupied by quartz was filled with a sulfide mineral, perhaps pyrrhotite. As New Hampshire quartz specimens go, these are not particularly attractive, but for a southern NH locality, they are relatively large.
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QUARTZ   Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
2.6 cm double terminated "floater" quartz crystal from large pocket

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
Specimen Size: 2.6 cm double terminated "floater" quartz crystal from large pocket
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 961
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QUARTZ   Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
2.3 cm quartz crystal

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH
Specimen Size: 2.3 cm quartz crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: 1567
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QUARTZ   Palermo #1 Mine, Pod 3, N. Groton, NH
1.6 nmm iron-stained quartz crystal septer

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Palermo #1 Mine, Pod 3, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 1.6 nmm iron-stained quartz crystal septer
Field Collected: From small box of unsorted micros, gift of Bob Whitmore
Catalog No.: u1340 underside
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QUARTZ   Palermo #1 Mine, Pod 3, N. Groton, NH
3.3 mm quartz crystal group

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Palermo #1 Mine, Pod 3, N. Groton, NH
Specimen Size: 3.3 mm quartz crystal group
Field Collected: From small box of unsorted micros, gift of Bob Whitmore
Catalog No.: u1344
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QUARTZ   Table Mtn., Albany, NH
4.8 cm zoned crystal

Species:           QUARTZ
Locality:          Table Mtn., Albany, NH
Specimen Size: 4.8 cm zoned crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: NC
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QUARTZ with PYRITE   Pike Quarry, Hooksett, NH
2 cm field of view
Species:           QUARTZ with PYRITE  
Locality:          Pike Quarry, Hooksett, NH
Specimen Size: 2 cm field of view
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer - 2014
Catalog No.:
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QUARTZ    Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
3 mm iron-stained quartz septer crystal

Species:           QUARTZ    SiO2
Locality:          Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
Specimen Size: 3 mm iron-stained quartz septer crystal
Field Collected: Tom Mortimer
Catalog No.: u275
Notes: Larger quartz crystals as well as abundant massive quartz are found at the Parker Mtn. Mine.
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QUARTZ    Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
2.7 cm quartz scepter crystal

Species:           QUARTZ   
Locality:          Parker Mtn. Mine, Center Strafford, NH
Specimen Size: 2.7 cm quartz scepter crystal
Field Collected: Neil Santerre
Catalog No.: A Neil Santerre collection specimen
Notes: .
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